In order to get anywhere:

Do First things first!


Utilize your greatest assets in life!


No matter where you are stuck at...

There's always a way out.

As a Mindfulness Instructor and a Mental Trainer, I have helped individuals unlock high potentials, whilst achieving EXEMPLARY results.

Having done Masters in Psychology, specializing in Cognitive Neuroscience, I demystify
the workings of the human brain to transpire the power of NOW!

If you are a high achiever looking for the rare combination of a Vegan Transformational Mentor, a Sports Enthusiast, Founder, an Author, an Inventor, a Certified Ayurveda Health Advisor, & a Philanthropist to help you with EXACTLY the structure you need to create the life of your dreams and recover from stress and burnout, with a calm mind and a strong core and physique; you just found her.

And because of all of this ... I believe that all individuals have unlimited potential! 

Also, I believe that your unlived life is the most detrimental aspect of your existence. This affects your emotional and physical well-being, and your relations with your loved ones.

These days, it is all about quick fixes, weekend courses to improve your life forever, and even "anti-aging" stuff. And this is where I really want to say something. Cause words shape our world. You do NOT want to be "anti" anything, cause resistance in general generates more resistance. And guess what; a mindset like that causes your body and mind to decline like crazy. You want to build yourself from the INSIDE and be PRO health and PRO a long, beautiful, gorgeous life where you can climb trees, sail on the seven seas with fresh wind in your hair and live exactly the life of your dreams, at any stage of life!

Moreover, indecisiveness is the greatest flaw of mankind. One can’t live a fulfilling life and can’t break through patterns, if this is not worked upon.

This is often also a result of stress over several years; one of the most common issues of our time.

To turn this around, unhealthy patterns have to be broken.

And you begin here! The most befitting and comforting space, to launch this journey of self-discovery and progress.

My family calls me Spiritual Hippie, as I prophesize my dedication to the ancient formula of health and progress, with plant based nutrition, mindfulness, and breathwork.

I have an undying passion for various sport and a passion for many aspects of entrepreneurship.

Erstwhile, I have penned my philosophy of life, in a book titled, Evighetens perspektiv (published in Norwegian, 2nd edition just being released these days).

For over two decades, I have worked independently, many of them in the domain of life coaching and well-being.

As I witness over and over how people get stuck in their own patterns, walking ever more on auto pilot as the years pass by, telling themselves the same stories over and over.

Not having read the instruction manuals of their most important asset–the Mind.

I also see how this affects their work life, mental and physical health, and their surroundings.

And I love to see people getting out of tough situations, and when they realize they are living miracles from birth.

I am here to do everything I can to unleash those latent potentials.

I dwell in the countryside of Norway, often amidst the trolls in the Norwegian mountains, imbibing tranquility from my favourite element;

the Water.

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Know The Metacognitian even better:

  • I went from working with tasks that took all my energy away, to completing a second MA, finishing several courses, publishing a book, while running a company full-time – all within six years. To building a concept with a marvelous team across the globe, working with truly dedicated, dream clients within the health area.

  • Setting up high-performing ads and running webinars with over 200 registered participants, within three months.

  • Setting up a brand new course, and collaborating with first client within 12 weeks.

  • My first clients went from exhausted, stressed, confused and with excess weight to a life with energy and vitality, some of them now already building their own businesses and brand new carriers, all within a few months.

  • Together with my team, I helped a business owner scale his business to gain a stable stream of new clients in his business, giving him peace of mind, and the freedom to pick and choose his dream clients. Within just two months, and with a ROI of over 40.

  • I have more than 20 years of experience from running my own company, many of them as a coach.

  • Once I learned how to work holistically with my clients, taking the emotional, energetical, physical and mental aspect into consideration, life will never be the same for none of us.

So ask yourself, how much pain are you willing to live with?

We got just one life!   Read that again.

Get the clear structure you need to live a life with inner peace, energy, and abundance in all areas.


It is time to start living. It is your time to rise.


"In her delicate, knowledgeable and positive way, Monica follows up. If you are stuck, she is ready with questions and advice, via email or 1-1 calls, which will help you through the ordeal."

"I have really managed to make some major changes, and especially also where I should have my focus."

"I have tried different approaches and paths over the years, but what is different and nice about this approach is that it includes everything: physical health, mental health and the spiritual perspective."

"Especially the meaning behind "doing the first thing first", knowing what you want, and allocating your time as best you can to avoid stress, build good health to stay strong and full of energy both physically and mentally, and avoid illness, has been very helpful to me."

Hungry for more knowledge and insights while waiting for us to respond to your email?

That is why we are here.

Feel free to follow Monica on LinkedIn:



Also, feel free to download Monicas Master Thesis on Inhibition Processes in the Human Brain:




More, still?

Sure, download her Bachelor Thesis in Cognitive Psychology on one of her favourite topics;
Judgement and Decision Making Processes and Bias in the Legal System.

Download (Norwegian):
