Deeply inspired by one of the foremost proponents of 17th-century Rationalism and one of the early and central figures of the Enlightenment, the Dutch/Portuguese Philosopher Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677), and his words “Sub specie aeternitatis”, I wrote the book Evighetens Perspektiv, while studying Psychology, literally dwelling in the beautiful intersection between psychology, philosophy, and spirituality.

First published in 2016 (Norwegian), the 2nd, revised and extended Edition published as of September 2022!

198 pages of pure JOY, AHA-moments, and PROGRESS!




My next book is already in the making,
a book that will take you even further on your path ...

Looking for testimonials in Norwegian, or want to learn more?
This book is lucky enough to have its own website!  ;)

Please visit